"Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy is a timeless masterpiece that delves into the complexities of love, society, and morality in 19th-century Russia. Through vivid characters and intricate plotlines, Tolstoy paints...
A comprehensive guide to the wisdom and teachings of Hazrat Ali, this encyclopedia curated by Dr. Muhammad Azam Raza Tabassum serves as a timeless repository of insights and principles for...
"Blindness: A Novel" by José Saramago delves into a harrowing exploration of a society plunged into darkness, both literally and metaphorically, when an unexplained epidemic of blindness spreads rapidly. The...
In "Dana Pani" by Umera Ahmed, the narrative delves into the complexities of human relationships and societal norms with a keen eye for psychological depth. Set against the backdrop of...
"Honor," penned by the prolific author Elif Shafak, unfolds a captivating narrative woven with intricate layers of familial ties, cultural complexities, and personal struggles. Set against the backdrop of modern-day...
"Insaan Aur Devta / انسان اور دیوتا" by Naseem Hijazi is a captivating Urdu novel that delves into the intricate dynamics between humanity and divinity, set against the backdrop of...
In "Islami Hikmat E Hayat," Dr. Idrees Lodhi-Albadar presents a profound exploration of Islamic wisdom and its application in everyday life. Drawing from his extensive knowledge of Islamic teachings and...
"Marriage and Morals" by Bertrand Russell delves into the intricate interplay between personal relationships and ethical considerations, offering profound insights into the dynamics of love, commitment, and societal expectations. Through...
"The Most Dangerous Place on Earth" by Lindsey Lee Johnson immerses readers into the affluent and seemingly idyllic community of Mill Valley, California, where the lives of privileged high school...